SDG's 4 Literacy Culture and the Reading Love Movement

Hi guys! This time I want to share my experience while contributing to increase SDG's number 4. In SDGs number 4 it is explained that the need to improve the quality of education . From this topic, I am interested in discussing the culture of literacy and love of reading that must be improved. The reason I discuss this is because Indonesia has a low level of reading interest. Based on the PISA survey released by the OECD in 2019, Indonesia is in the bottom 10 countries that have low literacy levels. Indonesia is ranked 62 out of 70 countries in terms of literacy level. This requires serious attention. The first thing I did was to conduct a questionnaire and 34 people answered it. Based on the questionnaire, there are still some people who are lazy, bored, and sleepy while reading. But there are also some people who still like to read. No. 1 : Disagree No. 5 : Very agree To improve the literacy culture and interest in reading in the community, I began to ...